Thursday, August 27, 2015


After 24 years of homeschooling, it is hard to believe this year has finally arrived.

The final year.

When I started homeschooling, I took it one year at a time.

I didn’t look ahead

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

A Message to First Year College Students and Their Parents


The time of year when first time college students are excited (and maybe a little nervous) about starting a new phase in their life.

The time of year when parents begin to realize that their 'baby' is no longer a baby and is about to spread their wings and fly.

I have written some things in the past to parents and students about how to navigate this time of life that merit re-visiting.

For parents,

Friday, July 31, 2015

What Does "Test Optional" College Admission Mean for Homeschoolers?

I received this request from Jennifer this week:

           I would like to see you write on your blog about the potential new trend
          of colleges not requiring test scores for admission. George Washington University
          dropped this requirement for incoming freshmen. How do you feel this will
          change admission for homeschool graduates if it becomes more wide spread like
           expected? I can see it being a potential double edged sword.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

When (homeschooling/parenting) Doubts and Fears Assail

If you are honest with yourself, you have had moments (or longer) when doubts and fears have assailed you- either about homeschooling, parenting, or both.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Homeschool Curriculum Clearance Sale

homeschool sale

I suppose this could be called my 'going out of business' sale.  After 20+ years of homeschooling, I am graduating my last student.
So, it is time to clear my shelves! (or at least some of them)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Preparing for the New SAT

Now that the initial uproar about the new SAT has subsided, it is time to think about how to prepare your student for the new test   If your student will graduate in 2017 or beyond, they will be taking the new SAT, if they take the SAT.

As I mentioned last year, one option would be to take only the ACT test.

 But, if you want some excellent information on preparing for the test,

Friday, June 5, 2015


We are blessed with a phenomenal youth theater program in our community.  My three younger children have been active participants in it, and our family has enjoyed attending shows there for many, many years.
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