Saturday, September 28, 2013

How does National Merit Qualifying work?

How does  National Merit Qualifying work?  

National Merit Semi-Finalists are the top 1% of PSAT scores of high school juniors from each state.  This means that each state has a different qualifying minimum.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Confessions of a Slob

 I am a slob.
My older sister used to tell me that all the time when we shared a room.

My husband, after 25+ years of marriage, declared it at the dinner table one day.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Family Favorites Friday: Best Peach Cobbler

fresh peach cobbler and never fail pie crust

A scrumptious peach cobbler 
with 3 layers of flaky crust and 
lots of peaches. If you love the 
crust as much as the peaches, 
like my family does, you will love 
this cobbler. So delicious! 


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Brown Sugar and Spice Cookies

creative cookie exchange

Creative Cookie Exchange

 I usually post on Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday,
with my food posts being Friday.
However, I found this Creative Cookie Exchange

Blog Hop  that I wanted to participate in.

So, today is a bonus post with a delicious recipe.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Killing Creativity

When my oldest girls were about 5 and 6 years old, they liked to make little books. They would get several pieces of paper (it didn't matter to them what kind), fold it over, staple the 'spine' edge and make a 'book'.

They collaborated on one book, “The Spider and the Sun”, that I considered thoughtfully written and cleverly illustrated. I tucked it away with some other schoolwork from that year. I saw it occasionally and was still struck with the creativity of the book, especially for the age of the girls at the time.

Over the years, I learned to 'publish' my children's books into a softcover book using a photo book publisher. When my oldest daughter got married recently, I thought it would be a fun gift to turn her book into a 'real' book using my photo book method.

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