Monday, February 15, 2016

A Reason for Reading: Vocabulary Improvement

Parents always want to know how to help their student improve their standardized test scores.  Whatever the age of your child, read this entire post, because the sooner you implement this advice, the better the score will be.

It's really very simple:  read to them and have them read.

Don't fall into the trap of loading them up on 'mind candy' with the excuse of 'at least they are reading'.  

Reading should stretch them just a bit, not just make them comfortable.

If they are reading (or you are reading to them), they should encounter some words they don't know.  When they do, they should look up the definition.

With that being said, here are some books that are not hard to read, but include some vocabulary stretching words.

The first one, For Two, is a shameless plug for a book written by my 18 year old son.  This book is appropriate for students as young as fifth grade, but even adults will find some vocabulary building words (raising my hand, here).

Shards of Honor by Lois McMaster Bujold is for high school students and above.  It is classified as sci-fi romance.  Again, there are some good vocabulary words, but not so many as to slow down the reading process.

The Count of Monte Cristo  by Alexandre Dumas is a favorite of mine full of swashbuckling and adventure.  I have taught this in a co-op class and the students loved it.  It is part of a series, so don't stop at just this book.

The Last of the Mohicans by James Fennimore Cooper, is an historical fiction adventure.  Another great story that will painlessly enhance the readers' vocabulary.


There are many lists of classics to read and I trust you can use google to find those lists.  I have tried to list books here that will appeal to both males and females, but are often overlooked.  

Read to your children daily.
Require your students to read daily.

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Sunday, January 31, 2016

Book Review: What Color is Your Parachute for Teens

I have had this book- What Color is Your Parachute for Teens- in my review stack for quite a while now.  I have procrastinated on writing my review because, frankly, I didn't even like the book enough to finish reading it!

Monday, January 25, 2016


We spend a lot of time talking about how to homeschool.

We debate whether parents are qualified to homeschool, especially high school.

We obsess over getting our homeschool graduate into college.  

But there are precious few conversations about homeschoolers once they leave education behind and enter the adult world.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Success is Not a Test Score

Even though I have devoted many blog posts to scoring high on standardized college admission tests, I don't believe that the success of a student hinges on that score.

Obviously, you want your student to do their best on a test and that is why I have recommended test prep in the form of understanding the test and helping a student do their best.  

With that being said, I had a reader ask me what to do when sibling scores are very different.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Homeschooling: What Every Parent Should Know about the NEW SAT & ACT, Part 2

Today is part 2 of Lauren Gaggioli's post about the new SAT and ACT.  If you missed the first part, you can find it here.

The Three Elephants In The Room

Monday, November 2, 2015

Homeschooling: What Every Parent Should Know about the NEW SAT & ACT

 Today, Lauren Gaggioli of Higher Scores Test Prep is my guest writer.  Lauren addresses changes in the ACT and SAT and advises on what you should do about them and even how they relate to Common Core.  This is a 2 part series, so be sure to sign up to receive blog posts or bookmark this site.

Monday, October 26, 2015


Recently, a friend whose first student left for college asked me:

I'm really struggling with throwing away workbooks/practice books that the kids have completed through the years. The ones I'm thinking of mainly right now are the Teaching Textbooks workbooks the boys have done for high school. Do I really just throw them away? I've recorded their grades for high school. They're on the computer disks anyway. I'm such a pack rat; I'm afraid I'm forgetting something I might need them for!

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