Tuesday, March 18, 2014

High School Elective: Drafting Fundamentals

Over the last ten years, I have taught a Drafting class at our homeschool co-op classes. The first time I taught the class I found a book on Ebay, Exploring Drafting, fundamentals of technology by John R Walker (I have an older version). I didn't know anything about the book other than the title chapters covered what I wanted to teach and it was aimed at high school students.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What To Do About the New SAT (uncut version)

As you probably noticed in my last post titled What To Do About the New SAT, my editor believes in brevity.   She thought my original post was verbose, but I wanted to share it anyway.  What follows is the uncut version of the post.

The SAT is getting a makeover.

Current high school freshmen will be the guinea pigs for this test in Spring 2016, according to the College Board.

There is a lot of ‘chatter’ on the internet in response to this announcement.

What can students do about the new SAT?  

Don’t take it.  

Friday, March 14, 2014

Banoffee Pie: Irish Pi Day Pie

Pi Day is today.

St. Patrick's Day is Monday.

Today, I am sharing a Banoffee Pie recipe.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

What To Do About the New SAT Test

don't take the new SAT

The brevity of this post is brought to you by my mean editor. 

Don't like the new SAT? 

Take the ACT instead. 

The end.

* the 400+ word unedited version of this post is coming soon

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Free College?

Recently, I was talking to my friend Courtney about the cost of college and the average student loan debt for college graduates.

She asked, "Have you heard about colleges that you work to pay your tuition?"

I responded, " Do you mean like College of the Ozarks?"

She said, "I haven't heard of that one, I was thinking about Berea College. Are you familiar with that school?"

"I have heard of it," I said, "but, I didn't know they did that."

After doing a little research, I discovered that College of the Ozarks in Lookout Point, MO
 and Berea College in Berea, KY are very similar.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Annoyance or Adventure?

My mom recently sent me this poem .  I thought it was a great reminder to parents
 everywhere that time is fleeting, even when it seems unending; that the petty
  annoyances of adults are often adventures to children.
Remember, all learning is not done at a desk with a book. 
 Big Mud Puddles and Sunny Yellow Dandelions
Author Unknown

  When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard.
My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff you can wish on.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Homeschool Grading Scale?

what I said is not what you heard

The following story might prove  one of several things:

1. I really am the meanest mom.
2. My son really is funny.
3. What I say is not always what my children hear.

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