
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Book Review: The Water Saving Garden

Every year my husband asks, "What do you want to plant in the garden?  Should we plant a garden?"  

When he asks, I think of all the time he spends planting the garden, watering the garden and weeding the garden.

When I saw this book available for review, I thought it would be a great resource to find plants for our garden that wouldn't be so needy, especially since the author lives in central Texas.

 When I say 'garden', I think of 'vegetable garden'.  

This book has a different definition.

After reading the book, I remembered that there are flower gardens and people in Europe call their yard a 'garden'.

So, if you are looking for help with your vegetable garden, this is not the book for you.

If, however, you would like some ideas for your landscape, this might be a good resource for you.

This book, The Water Saving Garden, by Pam Penick  lists quite a few drought resistant plants as well as covers other ways to conserve water when landscaping.

There are some good ideas that would be fun family projects or experiments whether you homeschool or not.  Perhaps your family could implement some of her rain barrel ideas or plant something that doesn't require much water.

Overall, this book was not what I expected, but there is some good information in it.

I did receive this book free from Blogging for Books for my honest review.