
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Homeschool Year 23 in Review

We have officially completed our school year.

Even though I am usually always ready to be done with the school year, I do like to look back and reflect on what we accomplished.

Our Year in Review, looks like this:

The 'new' thing I attempted this year was putting together  a study of Scotland for history.  For the most part, I think my high school students enjoyed this and found it to be interesting.  We studied Scottish history from the beginning all the way to modern times.

The ultimate ending to the study would be a 'field trip' to Scotland, but, alas, currently that is not in the plans.

My high school senior completed approximately 30 dual credit hours at the local community college with a 4.0 and also received the University Physics award there.

My high school junior completed 2 semesters of Spanish, College Algebra, and Trigonometry at the local community college, also with a 4.0.  She discovered that she really enjoys a classroom setting.

My high school junior took her first online class (Chemistry with Landry Academy).  Even though she did very well, she discovered that she doesn't enjoy online classes.

My high school senior went through the grueling process of college and scholarship applications.  When all was said and done, he chose to accept SMU's scholarship offers and will be attending there in the fall.

Both students wrote a major research paper in the spring.  Some students enjoy this process more than others and get right to work; some procrastinate, but eventually finish.

I was thrilled to have my oldest son home for a visit when it was time to grade the research papersGrading the research paper is not my favorite activity and I think it helps to have an outside source to do it.  (Yes, he is available to grade, for a fee.)

My high school senior is officially graduated.  He didn't want a 'graduation ceremony', but chose instead to have just a senior voice recital.  

Those are the highlights of our year. 

 It is better to look back on the accomplishments than dwell on the failings.  

As I look to the next (and final) school year, I will evaluate where improvements need to be made, but for now I will remember what we did well.

What does your year in review look like?

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