
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Homeschool Year 23 in Review

We have officially completed our school year.

Even though I am usually always ready to be done with the school year, I do like to look back and reflect on what we accomplished.

Our Year in Review, looks like this:

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

5 Water Safety Devices Your Kids Should Know About

Via Flickr – by Rob Brewer

We have had more than our share of rain over the last month and now a swamp surrounds our house.  

But, the sun is shining today, and it won't be long before we are lamenting the lack of rain.  It will be hot, and then super hot, and we will want to go swimming.

My guest post today is by Patricia Sarmiento from Public Health Corps She approached me to do a guest post about pool safety and water safety and I knew my readers would want to know how to educate their children on this important subject.