
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

My Real World

I have been doing a series of posts for high school students called "Welcome to the Real World".  Some of you may have noticed that I did not post last week.

If you were eagerly anticipating the next post in the series, so sorry.  If, like me, you were  distracted by everything going on in your own 'real world', you understand.

I will continue the "Welcome to the Real World" series after the first of the year.

Last week I had just returned from a long week-end trip to my second daughter's Physician Assistant's graduation.  We are very proud of her hard work and determination to accomplish this.

Now, Christmas is upon us and I am getting ready for that.

As well as preparing for Christmas, I am planning my daughter's wedding that is in mid-January.  Details are coming together nicely.

As you can see, my 'real world, took over my 'blog world'. 
I hope that is true for you, too, at this time of year.

From our family to yours:  May you be richly blessed this Christmas as you focus on the reason for the season.  Enjoy your time with your family!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Welcome to the Real World, part 4

Credit card offers start filling the mailbox long before a student graduates college.

We discussed credit cards and how to use them this week.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Welcome to the Real World, part 3

What college will you attend and how will you pay for it? 

That is the question students addressed the third week of class.