After receiving the book I discovered that it is the third in a series by Me Ra Koh. Maybe you are familiar with her or work on Disney Jr or with Sony or as an author. I wasn't.
Even though she has a long list of impressive accomplishments, what interested me the most (and probably my readers, too) is that she and her husband homeschool their children.
The book is a step-by-step recipe (camera settings, lighting, etc) for taking every day pictures; the author's down to earth style and love for family is very refreshing. ;
It was encouraging to me that the author did not even pick up a camera until she was 30 years old. About her photography success, she says, "...but life has a way of surprising us when we step into the unknown and open ourselves to a new form of creativity."
Me Ra Koh has beautiful photos in this book and gives you ideas and tips on how to create your own beautiful photographs with either a point and shoot camera or a DSLR.
I tried the 'self-portrait recipe' from the book. This may not have been the best choice to try first, but here are some of my results.
I chose these to share with you based on an informal poll from my family. These have all been cropped from the original. Which is your favorite? Leave a comment.
I will continue to refer back to this book to learn to use my camera and get ideas. If you want to capture everyday moments of your family, you will definitely want your own copy.
I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review, but all opinions are my own.
The sepia tone is my favorite, but I think the last one is the best reflection of *you* and I would end up going with that one as a profile photo! I signed up for this program, how awesome!
Thanks, Kathryn! A couple of my kids liked the sepia one, my husband and kids still at home like the last one. A couple of my boys like the first one. I prefer the last one, too. It was a fun project!
I saw it on FB - looks great!
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