
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our 2014-15 High School Plan

As I mentioned last week, I am branching out and creating our own curriculum for history and English this year.  

Because we are all a little curious as to what other homeschoolers do for high school, I am sharing what my junior and senior will be doing this year.

For history, I found some history books in the library that we will use for the first couple weeks (at least) and some websites.

For English, my students will read the following books, chosen because the authors are Scots or the setting is in Scotland.

Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott
Poetry of Robert Burns
Kidnapped, Robert Louis Stevenson
The Black Arrow, Robert Louis Stevenson
MacBeth, Shakespeare
Peter Pan, J. M. Barrie (not the Disney version!)
Sherlock Homes, Arthur Conan Doyle
James Herriot books
Kenneth Grahame books
Scottish Chiefs, Jane Porter
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson 
At the Back of the Northwind, George MacDonald
The Highlander's Last Song, George MacDonald
The Shopkeeper's Daughter, George MacDonald
And other books as I find them.

They will also write every week, with 4 major papers this semester and a major research paper in the Spring.  Writing assignments will include a weekly blog post.

In addition to these subjects, Christina, my high school junior, will also be studying:

Chemistry (Landry Academy online class).  This is the first time any of my students have taken an online high school class.  I will let you know how we like it.

College Algebra (at the local community college)

Spanish I (at the local community college)

Art (How Great Thou Art I & II)


My high school senior, Jesse, will also be taking:

Physics (at the local community college)
Statistics (cc)
Ear Training (cc)
Theory I (cc)
Intro to Programming (cc)
Piano (private lessons)

Yes, it looks like I am turning over a lot of the teaching responsibility to others this year.  I suppose I have taken on more of a counselor role than teacher.  However, I will be teaching/directing History and English. 

Do you find that you become more of a counselor when your students become high school juniors and seniors?


  1. Great line-up! I don't have any high-schoolers yet. But I think the route you've chosen will allow your children to get the knowledge they need with your influence and guidance still being there. And that's what matters most. Keep us posted on the Landry Academy venture, sounds interesting.

  2. Hi there! I apologize if this is a repeat contact...Let’ has created a blog feed of blogs that blog (at least occasionally) about homeschooling high school. ( I came across yours today and would LOVE to add it. If you would consider this, could you email me? Thanks in advance!



I appreciate comments, questions, and suggestion. It lets me know you are out there. Thanks!