
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Drawing Lessons

Would you like to have a resource to teach your children to draw just about any animal they, or you, can imagine?

Would you like that resource to be free?

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Our History and Vocabulary

My Facebook newsfeed is testimony to the excitement associated with the first few days of a new school year.

I think homeschooled students and teachers also feel the excitement of a new school year.

This week begins our third week of the school year.  So far, we have been diligent to keep up with lessons and lesson planning.  I have not done much lesson planning the last few years (due to a curriculum that came with plans), so this is a big deal for me.

As I mentioned in this post on our plan for this year,

Saturday, August 23, 2014


I accompanied my son to two college visits recently.  Both schools were in Austin, Texas.

The schools were very different in size and the visits were very different in scope.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Cheesy Shells and Italian Sausage

 A super easy recipe that is very delicious!
Posting it here for those who have requested it.  Enjoy!
Cheesy Shells & Italian Sausage

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our 2014-15 High School Plan

As I mentioned last week, I am branching out and creating our own curriculum for history and English this year.  

Because we are all a little curious as to what other homeschoolers do for high school, I am sharing what my junior and senior will be doing this year.

Friday, August 8, 2014

More Books Children Love

 Today's post is another installment of books my children loved to read.  I originally said that I would not list a book twice if two different children chose it, but I have changed my mind.  One book on this list from my oldest son was also on my oldest daughter's list.  I have included it here because the 'why' they loved the book is different.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


For the last ten years, we have done basically the same curriculum for history.  Using first Tapestry of Grace and then My Father’s World, we have learned history from the beginning of time to modern day, on a four year rotation.

My two current high school students have done the rotation 2.5 times.

I don’t know how they feel, but frankly, I’m bored.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

BOOK REVIEW: The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting & Running a Business

The Young Entrepreneur's Guide to Starting and Running a Business: Turn Your Ideas into Money!

This book is a very thorough guide for entrepreneurs, young or old.

Steve Mariotti uses very easy to understand language to guide you through the whole process of starting and running a business.  

  Beginning with creating a business, he guides you through all the steps you need to cover to be successful, including how to write a winning business plan.

Friday, August 1, 2014

FAMILY FAVORITES FRIDAY: Thai Chicken Stir-Fry Salad

This is an easy salad that we like and I demonstrate frequently at my Pampered Chef shows.  I get a lot of requests for this and even have people call me when they lose their recipe and need it again. 

The chicken mixture can be served over salad or rice and the leftovers make delicious wraps.