
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Blogger Award


Kathy@ 9PeasMom bestowed this blogger award upon me.  I've never been given a blogger award and certainly not a "Sunshine Award", but it will be fun to participate and I was honored that Kathy had me at the top of her list.

Here are the rules, so you will know why I am telling you 10 random things about myself:

1.  Use the award logo in your post.

2.  Link to whoever nominated you.

3.  Tell us 10 pieces of information about yourself

4.  Nominate fellow bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere

5.  Leave a comment on the nominees' blog to tell them of the award.
1. Listing random facts about myself is not my favorite thing to do.  I would rather you ask me questions.
2.  I graduated 2nd in my high school class...of 57 students.
3.  I never took Art or Home Economics in high school because I was going to major in Business Administration and run the "world".   However, God changed my heart and I changed my major to Interior Design (because it had the least amount of Chemistry) which was in the Home Economics College and required quite a bit of art.  
4.  I played the French Horn in junior high.  At band camp one summer, I got a ping pong ball stuck in the bell pipe of my French Horn.  Because that is what junior high French Horn players do during a rehearsal when they are not actually playing music, right?
5.  Having a 10+ pound baby is memorable enough to not cheat on your diabetic diet during your next 4 pregnancies.  Yes, I delivered a 10+ pound baby, but was not diagnosed gestational diabetic during that pregnancy.
6.  I must be 'older' because my OB doctor told me I would have diabetes when I got older since I had gestational diabetes 4 times.
7.  I like to cook and bake.  I have been a Pampered Chef Consultant for nine years.  Never could have imagined that!
8.  I like to travel and plan to visit Scotland and Ireland this year.  Really looking forward to this trip since I have always wanted to visit there.  Maybe it is a result of my heritage?
 9.  This year marks 30 years of marriage for me.  I met my husband in college and we dated for 3 years before we got married. Thirty years and seven children later, we know more about marriage than we ever thought possible.  We know that it is hard work, no matter how much you love someone.  We know the only option is to work through our differences and let go of our petty grievances.

10.  I'm a bit of a study in opposites:  I like to be organized, but I'm a messy.  I am a good leader, but don't take charge unless it is my job (or at least I try not to). I don't like exercise for the sake of exercise, but do enjoy a walk or hike.

Now I am supposed to nominate fellow bloggers.  This is where I confess that I don't follow bunches of other bloggers and Kathy nominated several that would be on my list.  Since I don't think it would be fair to nominate them or 9PeasMom again, my list will be rather short.  If you want to play along great, and if not, that's ok, too.

If you want to suggest blogs that you think I should follow, feel free to do so.

My nomination for this "Sunshine Blogger Award" is
Kathleen Caron at Full of Life.  I don't remember how I found this blog, but I enjoy her honesty, wit, and insight.  I think we would be real friends (as opposed to internet friends) if we lived closer to each other.

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