
Saturday, January 11, 2014


In addition to a good academic program, students need to have some extracurricular activities. It is best for students to explore activities before high school, so by the time they reach high school they have chosen a couple activities they really enjoy and are able to take on leadership in the activity. Colleges look for well-rounded students who not only do well academically, but participate in community and extracurricular activities.

Some activities my children have participated in that provide opportunities for community service and leadership are:


4H for homeschoolers
A variety of projects to learn
Students can join 4-H beginning in the 3rd grade. 4-H provides the opportunity to explore many different project areas. It also provides opportunities for giving presentations and competing. Each project encourages members to set learning goals, learn, and then record progress toward their goal. Some of the project areas my children participated in are:

  • food and nutrition   
  • clothing and textiles   
  • livestock - goats, cows, chickens, horses, dogs   
  • livestock judging   
  • photography   
  • vet science
There are many, many more project areas available.


Community Theater
Photo credit:   Mike Marlow
 We are very blessed to have a wonderful local children’s theater and community theater. Community theater gives students the opportunity to try out their acting skills and so much more. Our children’s theater allows students to be assistant director, stage manager, light operator, sound operator, costumer, and props manager. It is a very encouraging place for our students to learn and grow.

community theater
Photo credit:  Mike Marlow



My children have participated on a variety of community sports teams. This gave them the opportunity to see what they might like. Some preferred softball, some soccer, some swimming, some nothing. My husband coached as many of their teams as possible.  For high school students, select teams or local private schools might be an option for competitive sports.  Other sports my children have participated in:  basketball, baseball, dance, gymnastics, and karate.




BEST robotics provided real life engineering 

and science experience for my students. 

 It also gave them the opportunity to hone their

 public speaking skills.  Other robotics

 competitions are available, but this was

 the best option for us.

All of my children took piano lessons for varying amounts of time.  Some of them loved it and became music majors in college.  Some of my boys also learned to play the guitar and drums and had the opportunity to play in worship bands and community bands.  For leadership in music, they taught lessons to younger students.

This is a Texas thing, y’all.  But, if you live in Texas, have an interest, and get selected, it is an amazing learning experience.

We were fortunate to have a local homeschool mom learn English Country Dancing and become a caller.  She organized many practices and taught us this fun activity.  Through the years, several balls were also held.  This fun activity helps students learn social graces as well as dancing skill.  Some of the students helped plan the balls, also.

One of my sons wanted to learn woodcarving.  We found a local woodcarving group (mostly retired men) who were very willing to teach him.  He spent a couple hours each week with them and became a decent woodcarver.  He doesn’t use the skill much these days, but when he wants to carve, he knows how.

I will expand on some of these topics in the coming weeks.

What extracurricular activities have your children tried?  Which ones have they continued into the high school years?

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE English Country dancing, and would like to be a part of any local group! So many great ideas, I need to look further into 4-H, I never did that as a kid and am completely unfamiliar with it.


I appreciate comments, questions, and suggestion. It lets me know you are out there. Thanks!