Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Homeschool High School Transcript

Homeschool transcript 5 easy steps

It’s time to apply to college and now my student needs a high school transcript.  Where do I begin?  How do I remember what courses my student studied, much less the grade they earned?  What do I need to include on a transcript?  HELP!

Does this sound familiar?

Saturday, July 27, 2013


I Taught You Better Than That
(or why is my kid embarrassing me?)

I ran into a friend at the gym today. As we paced ourselves on the treadmill, we caught up with each other's kids. She was a little frustrated (understatement!) with her oldest child who is failing a class needed for college graduation next spring. This same child was driving her crazy with lack of a job, but big plans for summer travel. Sound familiar? Don't our kids know that money doesn't grow on trees??? That if you don't graduate college on time it costs a lot of money (not to mention time)?? And who is paying for all this travel you want to do???

Children can be frustrating. And embarrassing. Why don't they listen to us?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Homemade Tacos



You can make your own tacos quicker than you can go through the drive through at the local taco joint.  This recipe is easily doubled (or more) to fit your family or have "planned overs". It uses staples that you usually have in your pantry, so you don't need a taco mix.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


I have heard this question many times during the 20+ years I have homeschooled my seven children. Through the years, “that” has meant different things- how do you teach when you have babies? Toddlers? Pre-schoolers? So many children? High school? But, the answer has been very similar in all the situations. Even though I only have two children (high school age) still at home, the question keeps coming, and the answer is still the same:

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